Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Bell Tolls

Circle of Life

Light of Hope

Belief in tomorrow

That you will be there

In your place as always


Life throws us curve balls

The path twists

And we dodge the arrow

Or unknowingly get caught in the cross hairs

Of our destiny

The pain of losing an ancient one

Is a million times milder than losing a child

Both sad, but the elder has led a long life

Affected change through many seasons

A child is just beginning to make a mark on the world

The possibilities are endlessly open

The pain cuts like a knife for those who were not there

They did not get the chance to say good-bye………

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vashkrieg: Journey to the Epicenter

"You and I were friends from outer space

Afraid to let go, the only two who understood this place

And as far as we know, we were way before our time….."

~This Ain't Goodbye by Train

You will forever be a piece of me

A sliver of warmth wedged deeply into my heart and my psyche

You taught me to love deeply and risk greatly

Believing in the truth and not the norm

Allowing me to be the ‘me’ that was hidden away

Unpeeling the layers like the leaves of the artichoke

Until my essence was exposed

So glad that we have reached that pinnacle

That defines success for each of us today

Music and literature will forever tie the pages

Of our lives together

So glad that you won’t be traveling that road alone

So raise a glass to “the only two who understood this place”

I'll see you on the other side.

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rocking My World

One day you will stumble upon this page

And you will be carried back in time

Slowly you will breathe in my words

And one by one, the cylinders of your brain will kick in

As the memories fire up the engine of yesterday

Once upon a time and long, long ago

You touched my life

You changed me in a metamorphic way

Your presence challenged me to change my view on the world

As you turned my universe upside down

We knew each other as much as any two humans can deeply decipher

Yet, a key element was missing that made our attachment

All the more remarkable

Years went by and memories faded to the dark recesses of our minds

But the words remained

Along with the power to tell the story from long ago

So take your time and choose carefully

Most of what you will find is about your life and our time together

The rest is left unwritten……

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2010