How incredibly sad that a young man would take his own life yesterday at Eden Park. It was one of the most beautiful, un-August-like days this City has seen, just brimming with color and vibrancy. What kind of torment was he going through that would drive him to this place? How does a human being get to the point where they feel that death is the only answer to the pain of living? And what about the people in his life: family, co-workers, friends- was there no-one for him to turn to in his despair? Here is the short Cincinnati Enquirer blurb:
Overpass Jumper Identified
WALNUT HILLS - The man who died Tuesday after jumping from the
Three years ago, I was in the position to help someone who was contemplating suicide and had already made several attempts. I had just met him and really didn't know any of his background; only that he was in deep despair and had taken up Cutting, a type of self-injury, to assuage the pain in his life. I listened for hours and let him pour out some of the turmoil that was going on his life and encouraged him to talk to his family and get professional help. He eventually did do that, was under a therapist's care, and over time was able to slay some of the mental dragons that had been torturing him. Today, he is a much stronger and self-confident individual and truly living a happy and productive life.
Often times, we have the natural tendency to not want to get involved, especially in regard to people that we don't know. Sometimes, it is in the act of reaching out a hand, that grace is born and we are really able to make a true difference in a life, in a family, in the world.
I was there, under the bridge. I saw it.
As someone who contemplated suicide, I saw this. I saw that maybe, for him, he "solved" his problem. But the looks on peoples faces, the tears, the trauma, the terror I have felt for the past day.. I turn each corner, thinking I'll see the body again. No, I can't.
Thank you for sharing your insight on what happened to Jeremy. I can feel the pain and trauma that you are still experiencing through your words. Death should never be the solution to solving problems. There is always help to be had like the National Suicide & Crisis Hotline (http://suicidehotlines.com/national.html)
I wish for you peaceful dreams.
Thank you for your kind words about Jeremy and for taking the time to consider the pain he must have felt Tuesday afternoon. I have been trying to answer many of the same questions you raise, I am a family member of Jeremy's. Jeremy had been diagnosed and received treated for serious mental illness for most of his adult life. I will not go into specifics, this is not the appropriate time nor place at this point. Out of respect for Jeremy and the rest of his family I wanted to let you and anyone that may read your blog know that there is far more behind this story than the 4 sentences printed in the Enquirer and this was more than just a bad day for Jeremy. His family loves him, misses him, and is grieving his loss. As mentally healthy individuals you and I both know that death is not the answer. Please respect the family and allow us the time to honor his life and begin the healing process. Thank you again for your kind words and thoughts.
My prayers are with you and your family during this painful time. Thank you for taking the time to share some of Jeremy's background.
I wish you strength in the upcoming days and peace to help carry you through.
It is so true - just taking a moment to listen to someone in need can really make a difference.
So sorry to learn about Jeremy.
Thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts. Given the state of the economy and the anniversary of 9/11 today, there are probably plenty of folks in our community that would really appreciate someone being there to lend an ear, a hand a leg up.
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