Random thoughts and musings on what is going on in my corner of the world mixed with some of my creative work.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So strange how the voices are moving in and out
Mixing decades with each other
Until the blender of a time serves them all up smooth
I drink down their memories, their words
I take them in because it is their essence that
Made me who I am today
Looking forward, I wonder what affect there will be
From those who currently cross my path
But for now, I revel in the daily missives and the phone calls
And the Facebook comments and the Tweets and of course
The old-time emails that faithfully file into my inbox
Bringing a plethora of pithy comments: statements really,
That underlie the connection that still exists between us
The woven web widely written about in the past
Was apparently not a phenomenon that was uniquely part of yesterday
It is clear to see now with distance and time and past relationships
That the connections which were spun came from the same centric sphere:
My driving need to know you truly…….- everything about you
And my brain’s extraordinary ability to store, sift, analyze and regurgitate your life’s story.
In the end, a human’s greatest need is to feel connected to others
To be heard
To be cared for
To be appreciated
Perhaps that is my gift to those who walk the path with me
Because it has become apparent that those multiple journeys are now
Intersecting and returning me back to the beginning
Back to when the lines first crossed and I asked the simple question:
“Tell me more……….”
Michelle Beckham-Corbin
Copyright: 9/22/09
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Brotherhood of the Long Blue Line & The Social Media Revolution

Social Media can start a revolution or spread a message rapidly in the same amount of time. Upon hearing the news that St. Xavier Junior Kevin Le succumbed to his injuries yesterday afternoon, the cell phones started texting and the Facebook pages started updating all over Cincinnati as Kevin's Bomber Brothers began to organize a way to honor Kevin's memory.
I first heard the organizational news when my son walked into my office last night and said that he was looking for his dress pants because the boys at St. Xavier high school had made the decision to all wear a dress shirt and tie to school in memory of Kevin. Facebook Group pages quickly sprang up and students left the most heartfelt messages for their fallen brother. Poetry and song lyrics mixed with memories and messages for Kevin in update after update.
Just got in from doing the Soc Med Biz thing and received this letter from St. Xavier's principal about what the boys did to organize themselves into a revolution of brotherhood and caring. This is only the beginning- I surmise that the first home football game tonight holds even more wondrous surprises. This is a school where the boys are truly taught to be "Men For Others" and today they were Men For One Of Their Own: Kevin Le- who will always be a member of the Long Blue Line.
Principal’s Weekly
September 18, 2009
"Hello St. Xavier Parents,
As you learned from yesterday’s phone call from Fr. Tim Howe and have undoubtedly seen covered in the media today, the St. Xavier family is dealing with a devastating loss. Junior Kevin Le’s mother Diane informed the school Kevin was declared brain dead yesterday afternoon. We will continue to keep Kevin and his family in our prayers as our attention turns to the care and well being of the immediate St. Xavier family today and in the days ahead. As ever, your sons are our first priority. Today we have prayed with them, provided counselors for those who need them, and shared stories of Kevin and the times he shared with his friends. We’ve celebrated a Mass in Kevin’s honor, where the Psalm reminded us, “The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want.” We are in God’s hands, and I can’t think of a better place to be in such a challenging time. I have been deeply impressed by the ways in which your sons have demonstrated a brotherhood of caring for Kevin and his family and for one another today. On their own they decided to wear ties as a sign of solidarity. On their own they asked for the regular lunch-time Mass to be moved from the chapel to the larger space of the gym and then filled all of the bleachers. Together they are showing us that they know how to be God’s hands for each other and for Kevin and his family. Please continue to pray for Kevin and his family.
A number of people have asked about how to help the Le family financially. The Le family has set up the Kevin Le Fund at Fifth Third Bank. Donations can be mailed or taken to any branch of Fifth Third Bank."
President's letter credit: http://www.stxavier.org/s/106/index.aspx
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Deepest Sadness One Can Endure

The greatest sadness on earth has descended on a family. The worst fear a parent can ever have: that of losing a child, has come to fruition for a local family. Imagine that you make it through the early worries:
- the first time they ride the school bus
- the first sleep over at a friend's house
- the first overnight summer camp
- the first time they take up a contact sport as a young child
- the first time they take the car out on their own
In a split second, a middle-aged woman runs a red light going 50 miles an hour and slams into the young man. In that small amount of time, a life is compromised; a destiny changed. His life hangs in the balance as he lays in a coma at University Hospital for nine days, most of his organs massively affected by the impact.
The school community prays for him daily. And then the phone call comes. He has been pronounced officially brain dead. A mother has lost a son, two brothers have lost their middle brother and his class mates have lost a dear friend. My heart continues to ache hours after I received the phone call from St. Xavier stating that Kevin Le had died this afternoon. I sobbed for Kevin and the injustice of it all.
I am a mother with a son close to Kevin's age and I know that news of this kind would destroy me if I were in her place. I continue to pray for Kevin and for strength for his family and I know that in the end he has found peace from his many injuries and release from the coma that he had been in. My hope is that his life will be celebrated for all of the good that he achieved in his short 16 years and that everyone, parent or not, will take the time to appreciate the gift of those who are in their lives on a daily basis. I tell my children that I love them often, after today often won't be nearly enough......
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Authentic Leadership 9-15 Meeting Invite
Authentic Leadership in Cincinnati
Inaugural Meeting!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
7:30 – 9:00 AM
Crossroads Community Church
3500 Madison Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45209
Join us for the very FIRST meeting of Authentic Leadership in Cincinnati!!
Be a part of the kick-off, meet like-minded leaders and make requests for future meetings.
This meeting will be a moderated panel discussion that will include leaders from
Manufacturing, Professional Services and Retail-related industries discussing leadership.
There will be time allotted for Q&A and networking.
We will also introduce our Board of Advisors
and share the vision of this group.
Come help successfully launch Authentic Leadership and add your input to
determine how we can best impact leaders, organizations, and ultimately our great city.
Bagels and coffee will be available. Hope to see you there!
Donations will be accepted to cover event costs
Please rsvp on the LinkedIn Authentic Leadership in Cincinnati Group page: