Coincidence, Karma, Fate, Pre-determinism....
All thoughts that swirl through my coffee-fueled mind...
I believe that we have a destiny that has already been carved and within that destiny we have the ability to use free will/ choice to close our ears and eyes to the signs that are around us or to embrace them. It takes awareness and a conscious decision to slow down our lives to be aware of what is around us.
This point hit home for me with a video that was making the rounds on Facebook and has probably hit the numbers needed to brand it viral by now. Would love to share it with you, but it's not a YouTube embed, so I can't get a URL. Best I can do is give you a link to my C3 Facebook Page and have you view it there. The premise is that we tend to take people at face value without looking for the back story. Imagine what the world would be like if we extended more kindness and compassion and didn't react immediately to our first impression.
The second part of this observation is the idea that when we do extend kindness, no matter how small, no matter how random, we have the ability for that to build. People are struck by the generosity and compassion of others and the warmth that emanates inside them finds its way in some type of expression of gratitude that affects yet another person, and so on. Remember the Pay It Forward movement from several years ago? That's what I'm getting at.
I experienced several acts of kindness today, to the point where I began to wonder if there was a sign on my back that said "Show her a little love!". Weird how that happens. Here are my little miracles for the day:
1. During a surgery consult at Children's Hospital, the nurse was able to squeeze us in over the Christmas holidays so that no school would be missed for the operation
2. Stopped at a shoe repair shop to inquire whether my favorite Borns were fixable. The owner stopped what he was doing and repaired them that minute and threw in a polish and shine.
3. Popped into a local bakery to grab a muffin to eat while I waited for the shoes. Wanted to remove any traces of hospital germs off my hands, but the bakery did not have a public restroom. The clerk invited me to come behind the counter to use the bakery sink.
None of these things will change the world, but you know what. They changed my day. They made me smile.... Perhaps you will too!
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2010
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