Friday, June 10, 2011

My Heart & Soul

"We could have had it all
You had my heart and soul……"

Love these heart-felt lyrics by Adele.

Makes me wonder what the story is behind her words. When I reflect upon them it makes me think back to my life, especially as I enter the second half of the journey. I have written many, many times about my belief in destiny and the idea that things/events/people happen for a reason. Yes, I believe in free will extending a hand and altering the plan that has been pre-designed, but the path has been carved out long ago.

I believe that I exist today as a sum of my experiences, my joys, my disappointments and the many loves and friendships that have touched my life. Would I ever say to the one who would have been, “We could have had it all...”  Nope. Because that path would have led to a person who is other than me today. If there is one thing that I do perhaps suffer from, it is too much self esteem. I love who I am, how I’ve lived and the choices that I have made. There is nothing that was within my control that I would have changed.   

Now about that situation that was out of my hands……

“But you played it,
You played it,
You played it,
You played it to the beat…”.

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2011


Todd said...

Michelle, that is a most touching and beautiful passage you wrote. How true it is and what a blessing to be grateful for our choices and who we have BE-come on this unfolding journey. Todd Lambertus

Michelle Beckham-Corbin said...

Thanks Todd! This post was written for you. Thanks for being an integral part of my path.