RANDOM JOTTINGS.............
Random jottings found scribbled on various notepads and scraps of paper as if they belonged to a woman without a home. Have no clue why I'm writing this way- totally goes against my usual grain. But hey, I'm following my muse or maybe it's the Angels released from the deck of cards treasured so carefully to my heart. Let's see where this takes me:
Really, really long story, but I want you to know that I will always remember you.
You captured what little I know of your situation extremely well, and what is more- you did it in rhyme!
How sad it is when a child hoards her babysitting money, afraid to deposit it into her local bank branch because she has ingested the fear of a failing financial industry-capturing the fear of an entire nation.
I want to pull away from this disastrous ending,
but some unnamed force compels me to stay
And so the cycle begins again, until one of us explodes
Yet one aspect of your multi-faceted personality
touched mine so deeply, that all else was a blur
That connection made everything else seem inferior and unimportant
And we made a life of living that way
Will have to see where this takes me. I’m usually an anal sort of writer. I pick a time to write- I focus and voila within minutes I write a fairly lengthy piece. This works for me because I visualize all of my writing in my head. My work usually tells a story or captures very strong emotion. I become the person in my head and I write what I feel. This is why so many people erroneously think that my writing is autobiographical- this is usually the furthest from the truth. I am an enigma and do my best to be invisible to others regarding my true self. If you knew, you would be quite surprised. (and for the record, I’m using the definition of enigma that means “containing a hidden meaning”)
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin
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