" Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin into the future..."
*Fly Like An Eagle- Steve Miller
Feeling like the days and weeks are flying by. Just want to grab a hold of the day and screenshot it into permanency. To take those rich, vibrant fall colors and unusually lush, green grass populated by seasonal displays of pumpkins and scarecrows and bales of hay and frame them forever in my mind. Don't get me wrong, the days are flying, but I am loving every minute of the life I am leading. I am truly where I want to be and traveling the path that has been my destiny for some time. All of our inherent gifts, personality traits, education, idiosyncrasies and life experiences join forces to carve us into who we are today. The people that intersect our path for a moment, a day, a life-time, leave an indelible mark on who we are and we are forever changed by their presence in our lives.
So my thought for the day is this: Surround yourself with the best possible friends and mentors and be "gift" to others by intersecting their path of life. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that it is in giving that we receive. While you are at it, make a list of the people who have deeply affected your life. You may be surprised by what you find!
Image credit: http://www.northshorefallcolors.com/images/fall_colors_2007_5.jpg
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
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