Ok, here is a slightly humorous story that will give you a laugh at my expense.......... The soon to be 7th grader had her final basketball game tonight in a summer league. The temps outside were hovering in the low 90's and the gym was so hot and humid that you would be hard pressed to light a match in there. The parents in the stands were fanning their faces, unaware of what my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Doherty, used to tell us kids when we did the same thing on hot days. She told us that when we frantically waved our hands clenched with a notebook (to bring on a breeze of relief), we were in fact really just creating more heat by creating energy with our motions.
Because of the heat and the lack of a concession stand, I decided to hit the water fountain and then the restroom before the game began. For some unknown reason, I hung my keys on the little hook thing on the inside of the stall door and then promptly forgot about them when I left. I probably owe the forgetfulness to the hazy affect the heat was having upon my body and brain. After a great game (we won of course!) and no hand waving on my part, we departed the hot gym for the less hot, but still humid outdoors. Most of the Sharp Shooter families parked in the east lot and I had parked in the west along with The 7th grader's team mate "Nacho" (otherwise known as Anna) and her family. As I furiously dug around in the depths of my purse, which sometimes feels as large as a steamer trunk, I realized that my keys were not there. Hoping that I had not had another toilet incident (that one involved flushing a brand new $350 high end LG cell phone at another basketball game), I was going to race back to the bathroom to check. The 7th grader yelled out to Nacho that we were still stuck in this sickly heat because her (insert pre-teen adjective here) mom couldn't find her keys. Nacho's older brother stuck his head out the sliding door of their mini-van and said that he had found a set of keys with a moon and stars emblem (my P&G key chain) when he was searching for toilet paper since the men's room was out. He turned them in to the referee. Now how many coincidences occurred here:
- The only team member that we parked near happened to have info on my keys
- Nacho's older brother actually listened to the girls' conversation about the missing keys and spoke up about it (he will be a freshman next year).
- He had to use the bathroom to go #2 as we said in the old days and didn't feel embarrassed in the least to tell us that he was searching for TP in the ladies room.
- The ref was still there and had the keys!!!!
So a major problem averted thanks to the above. I was out in East BFU, so having my husband bring me keys would have been a royal pain while we roasted in the open air or the lovely school gym.
So the lesson is: keep track of your belongings and be nice to all teenagers that you encounter; you never know when they just might have your back!
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