Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lost Love

Sinking deep into the cushions
Losing myself to the music
and the candles
and the pungent smell
of incense in the dimly lit room

Three minutes

That is all that we are given
to enter into a meditative state

The instructor tells us to focus
on the face of God
I try, I really do,
All I see is you
Every detail of your face is chiseled
into my mind

I gaze into your eyes and see
your lips curl into a smile

My mind wanders to one
of our many conversations

I feel warm to the depths of my soul

I feel at peace, my heart is happy

I want to reach out and touch your face

To make you real once again

The bell rings, the three minutes are up

You are gone like a stream of smoke
evaporating into the night

Perhaps I will find you again in my dreams.....

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009

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