A Life
A combination that holds the key to my present
Yet also encompasses my past-
A past so incredibly unbelievable
That it could surely be mistaken for a work of fiction
The characters play out in my mind and in my life
Sometimes the fabric enveloping both comes together
In a solitary seam weaving each part collectively and
In that single moment, reality and fantasy become entwined
On that day long ago when different worlds collided,
Two people were blind to the idea that they were setting the stage
For a story to be written; yet the basic elements of any good fairy-tale
Had already been put in motion
A backdrop of fantasy with dragons and knights and medieval villages
Two people meeting with false identities known only to the audience
A classic tale of misunderstanding and hopelessness
A tale of redemption via goodness and truth
To save another’s life is an awesome experience
To see the person rescued from the clutches of a damaged identity
And restored to a higher plane of existence and belief in self
And to continue to guide them toward the path of self-esteem
Is a privilege to be a part of
The clouds of doubt have been wiped away
And the one to be rescued realizes that he no longer walks alone
Yet the haze of fantasy still veils their lives
They step intermittently in and out of the realm of reality
But there is a cost to giving the blood of life
And the giver must take care not to lose their own
A fine balance needs to be struck so that
Both parties stand intact
To achieve this balance is the ultimate in friendship
A friendship forged through reaching bottom
And being pulled back up out of the darkness
Both in the imaginary and the real worlds
What future tales does the blank page hold
And for whom does the bell really toll?
All Material CopyWrite Michelle Beckham-Corbin
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