Ok, this is one of those top of the mind, semi-rambling posts. I much prefer the posts that are inspired by some wicked flash of an idea and find themselves speedily transformed from brain to screen. Those posts usually end up as one of two types:
- Creative writing in the form of mostly poetry, sometimes short stories
- Opinion pieces, well really empathy pieces to the Nth degree, in which a story I hear about in the "other" media realm touches my heart and I just have to write about it
Anyway, just realized I spent so much time explaining what I usually post that it has morphed into a post of its own. So I will do the only smart and sane thing any other writer who faces a post-midnight clock and is beginning to sport a funky chest cold (hmmmn, I never, ever, ever get sick, so WTH is up with that- DO NOT even mention Swine Flu Pandemic- lvl 6- we are at lvl 5 and holding! - still it's strange to be getting a cold in the spring.........) I am going to bed!!!
Bon Soir Baby!
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009