Absolutely outstanding article by Nielsen Researcher, Jessica Hogue about the power that women, specifically, moms wield and how most marketers are missing the boat on reaching them. It's time for companies to stop transmitting and instead enter into a conversation in which listening to the needs, wants and desires of today's tech savvy Mom is key to marketing success. Make sure you read to the end and check out how Nielson is "listening" to on-line conversations of mom bloggers to determine their value propositions.
Here's the summary:
"CI SUMMARY: As any mother will tell you, there is a big difference between hearing and listening. Today’s Power Mom does it all—the house, the kids, the job, the bills, the shopping—and the Internet has become a tremendous enabler, bringing new meaning to multi-tasking. While the ability to connect with moms is easier than ever before with the advent of social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and a growing number of “mom blogs”, are marketers really listening to her value systems? It’s time to move beyond “messaging” to “listening”.
Full text below:
Nielsen | Connecting With Power Moms
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