Spent a great day surrounded at the beginning and end by all things Social Media. Social Media is all about connecting with others through the use of new media tools and applications. Obviously, the best way for the social media magic to continue, is to take that connection off-line and turn it into an in-the-flesh encounter.
I am a people person. I absolutely love meeting people, discovering things about them and creating conversations which lead to relationships. I have a photographic memory and a huge penchant for remembering details about people. I put this gift to good use by connecting people to each other and to opportunites that I think might be a good fit. Malcolm Gladwell calls people like this "Connectors" in his book The Tipping Point. He states, "Connectors are the people who link us up with the world ... people with a special gift for bringing the world together." They are "a handful of people with a truly extraordinary knack [... for] making friends and acquaintances."
This is why I aptly named my firm: C3: Creating Connections Consulting, LLC.
Speaking in front of a group about a subject that I am passionate about is a joy for me. When one adds in the opportunity to meet with the audience participants in small groups or one-on-one for further conversation, I am in connection heaven. I had the opportunity to present a seminar on leveraging Social Media Marketing tools for the Small Business Sector at the Legacy Connection Group Meeting today. There were about 50 small business owners, entrepreneurs and folks in transition in attendance for my talk. It's always nice to see some familiar faces in the crowd, and today was no exception. I also met some great folks who have already connected with me on LinkedIn and/or Twitter to further our conversation.
I ended the day with a planning meeting call on TalkShoe with members of the Social Media networking group, New Media Cincinnati, founded by Daniel Johnson, Jr. In additon to being on the call, which was recorded and will be turned into a podcast for the group web-site, we were live-Tweeting the meeting. You can check out the tweets on #newmediacincy.
Cincinnati is a city brightly shining on the Social Media Highway Map. Groups like New Media Cincinnati, Cincinnati Women Bloggers and Cincinnati Social Media Breakfast, co-founded by my former Xavier University classmate, Daniel Lally are helping to raise awareness in the Queen City.
I continue utilizing Social Media into the night with this long overdue posting to my Blog (I have been sick for the past 7 days!) and will probably send out some tweets and comments to my FB news feed before diving into my Roberto Bolano book. My close friend has been on my case to finish The Savage Detectives so that we can discuss its contents. Maybe I'll tweet about what we discover, or then again, maybe not.....................

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
Nice post! I agree with everything you said!! I'm really grateful to Kevin and Daniel. I've learned so much from them. Both are superstars in my book.
Thanks for the comment! I totally agree with you about Kevin Dugan and Daniel Johnson, Jr. They are two, among others, who are truly leading this city forward on the path to creating awareness of the power of leveraging social media. Joining in the conversation only leads to further enlightenment, especially when surrounded by like-minded folks in a meet-up!
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