This is retro day. I picked up a small yellow book that has been on my bookshelf for more than a few years. The initial read gave us all some big laughs as we reminisced on things from our childhood that we had forgotten about. Perusing it today, many years later, I notice that many of the products are back on shelves. Reminds me of the literal version of the saying " What goes around, comes around." Wondering if this is a commentary on the fact that we are aging. That we have finally reached the point in our lives when these toys, products, songs etc. are being reintroduced to younger generations because they are "classic", which is really another word for just plain "old". See if any of these things spark anything in your memories:

- Daisy chains
- Black lights
- Metal lunchboxes
- Lava lamps
- Rocky Horror
- Pet Rock
- Mood Ring
- Green stamp books
- Leif Garret
- Bay City Rollers
- The DeFranco Family
- Mad Libs
- Ouija Boards
- Black & White tv sets (not talking about the console here!)
- The Marlboro man on tv
- When tv channels went off the air at night.
"Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?"
"Where's the Beef?"
"My dog is better than your dog."'
Thanks for traveling down memory lane with me to a time when there were no worries; a time when we were free to be kids. A time when w were just free to BE!

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
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