Apologies for the recent lack of blog posts. This past week has been busy with a wide variety of social media experiences. Thought I'd take take a minute, slow down and examine just how my week was spent on the social media highway (yes, I know this seems like a lame attempt to explain why I haven't written anything lately as well as a thinly disguised way to create a post without really creating a post, if you get what I mean??!!). Here goes:
- Worked with two local small businesses to show them how to use Social Media tools to increase their marketing efforts and effectiveness
- Worked with a new coaching client in the areas of social media training and job search
- Prepped for an upcoming social media seminar that I will be leading on 7/10/09
- Worked out details for an upcoming local chamber of commerce event I will be participating in
- Participated in the Live Talk-Shoe New Media Cincinnati Community planning call for the July meet-up- Call (listen here) was simultaneously live-tweeted
- Live-tweeted from the July 3rd Cincinnati Reds vs. the Cardinals game
- Twitpic' d the game and the concluding fireworks
- Had a great social media discussion with family friend Stan Joosten, Innovation Manager for Holistic Consumer Communication at P&G (very, very cool job he has!) at our 4th of July party
- And of course continued to create connections with business partners, potential clients and friends on Twitter!
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009

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