I just hate when life gets so busy that I neglect my writing. Just realized that it has been a week without any measurable posting. There are so many things that I could write about, but what is burning most in my mind (and which has also been a recurring thread in many posts and updates to FaceBook andTwitter) is the fact that this summer in Cincinnati totally SUCKED!! I don't ever remember weather as horrible and morose as that which graced our lives this summer. It was incredibly rainy and cold. In fact during our July spell of highs in the mid-60s (yes I said HIGHs!), there was a night or two that I was actually contemplating throwing a log onto the fireplace to generate some heat.
It was horrible weather for any sort of outdoor sport or even sitting poolside to bronze in the sun. My garden is waterlogged and the veggies that should have been harvested weeks ago are just now starting to come to maturity. I have absolutely no tan, not even a sun branded flip-flop strap tattoo. One silver lining, is that my lawn is emerald green. A color that it has never been during what used to be called the Dog Days of Summer. Remember when August brought some days in which it was almost too hot to go outside unless you were on a direct mission to the local watering hole (and I'm talking swimming not libations)? Hoping that fall will run more true to form- would definitely like to enjoy the great outdoors soon in between my stops on the social media highway.
(And by the way, that tanned foot in the flower pot is from the summer of 2008 when we really did have hot days!)
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
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