Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life Cut Short

Wondering if your memory will continue to fade
until I can't remember the sound of your voice
The touch of your hand on my face remains
like a phantom limb, gone but ghostly there

Your musical influences continue to rear their heads
every time I have a choice of stations
The power novels stare back at me from the book store shelves
whispering, "remember when we used to read aloud to each other?"

Frost will forever be personified by the image of you reading
and our discussions on fate and the road less traveled by
are burned into my memory

All of those starry nights in which fantasy came alive in the
vessels of our imagination
Rivaling anything that Steinbeck would have written

I thought that my grief was over, that I could move on
yet I hear your voice faintly at my window
like the scratching of tree branches on a windy night
calling my name, calling me back, calling me to remember
your face, your voice, your green eyes

but you are gone forever
no longer able to walk beside me on this earth

God, I loved you with all my heart
I gave you everything I had
and in return, we lived a life of roses and sunflowers
You were my best friend, and I yours

Why did you have to go and leave me all alone?
Why were you taken from me so soon.

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009

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