Just hit a Twitter milestone last night by having the 1,000th follower find me organically. I started this Twitter account in February and have followed an organic natural approach to dev

- Social Media "Experts" like @GuyKawasaki, @Mashable, @Scobleizer
- Writers- both local and nationally published
- Cincinnatians- interesting folks who give off a vibe of what's going on in the city
- Media/Companies like: @Huffingtonpost, @WSJ, @FastCompany
The most exciting thing is attending a live networking event, and meeting someone that you have been in conversation with for a while on Twitter. There is always the feeling that you have known the person for a long time, even though you are meeting for the first time! I have no idea what it will feel like to have 2,000 followers or even 10,000 followers, but for now things feel manageable for this personal account.
A business account is a completely different animal and requires a much different strategy both for following and obtaining followers. Note the emphasis on the word "obtaining"-with a business account, you would be foolish to let things happen organically. Business accounts demand tribe development- after all, aren't you selling something???
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
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