Some days require a healthy doses of sunshine and grace coupled with the ability to be incredibly flexible, yet stronger than steel. I know that this sounds like my vague poetry style has found its way into my essay-like prose, but I really am sitting here contemplating these thoughts at midnight on the eve of August.
Our days can contain such an incredible amount of fluctuation between highs and lows, successes and misses, sunshine and rain. "All in a day's work." The key is being flexible- being able to bend with the wind of change and to land on your feet running with a segued plan. I am that flexible, follow-the-challenge kind of person and a card-carrying member of the "make lemon-aide from sour lemons" club, so I "get" the idea of 24 distinct hours carrying the possibility of a myriad of actions, emotions, events, highs and lows.
But I have to say that today has been an incredible whirlwind- all 24 hours of it. It began in the late hours of last night discovering a missing link to my family. A chance encounter with a You-Tube video and a young woman talking about her family history. This young woman had a striking resemblance to me and she mentioned some of the predominant surnames in her family; one of which matched mine. On a whim (or maybe not, perhaps it's the social media extrovert in me), I contacted her directly and thanked her for a very informative and well-done video. I also let her know that we shared a family name, perhaps a family line. We connected on a popular social media site and then took the conversation "live" to Skype with web-cam as we discovered by comparing ancestral history charts that we are indeed cousins. The connection that we made was incredible- it felt like I had discovered a sister.
After about 5 or 6 hours of sleep, I awakened early enough to decorate the house for my son's birthday. I have a tradition of hanging streamers, balloons and specially-made personalized posters from the main doorway leading to the kitchen. I knew that I could not let that slide and have a disappointed kid on my hands. The rest of the day went very well from a work perspective and I had the opportunity to meet with a local consulting company looking to learn how social media could enhance their offerings. I felt a kindred connection with the two members of the firm and we spent an incredible two hours of discussion and story-telling. I love it when companies are on the same page about social media STRATEGY that I am.
Skipping over the rest of the details of my day and fast-forwarding to that phone call that no-one ever wants to get......My dad had been admitted to the hospital for emergency brain surgery. EMERGENCY WHAT???!!!! I had just spoken to him two days ago and he had been in great health.......
Spent the rest of the evening praying: in the car, silently in the middle of the Samurai restaurant for Cameron's birthday celebration and in the alley adjacent to the restaurant that I rushed into to take my sister's update call on my cell.
This, my friends is how a life can turn on a dime. How a day can go from Great to Bad to Hopeful. The key is to be prepared to deal with whatever comes your way. Some things will bring you joy and others will bring you sorrow. Some things will test your mettle, your stamina and your will. Hold onto the tools, the strengths that are inherently within you and forge ahead meeting all with your eyes clear, your feet firm and your back to the wind.
I pray that you never get that call and if you do, my prayer is that you have the strength within you to carry you through as well as a wonderful support of friends (you all know who you are) and family to hold your hand.
Thank you for being there for me.
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
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