Marveling at the many manifestations of social media
Constantly amazed that the connections I make
Become profound real-life experiences
The virtual becomes the living, breathing reality
I have experienced the deepest friendship possible
The ability to learn about other cultures
Directly from the people living it an entire world away
Business relationships have been born through chance encounters on Twitter
Networking groups cementing the associations
I have found myself on the giving end- offering solace to a dad in distress
distraught over his 13 yr old anorexic daughter-
needing an anonymous outlet like Skype to bare his feelings of helplessness
I have chanced upon a YouTube video that touched me
Upon contacting the producer to thank her for her work,
Discovered that she was part of a missing family link
Dating back to my great, great grandfather.
I have been on the receiving end of good wishes and love
From old friends and newly found relatives via Facebook
The pictures we have been able to share are price-less.
Tweeted about needing a new car and amazing Ford technology
Within minutes heard from Scott Monty, head of Social Media for Ford
Heard from the model Brand Manager and from the local dealer as well
Experienced the impressive virtual and live customer service attention
Being naturally social, always inquisitive, and highly analytical,
These three traits propel me forward as I create connections in the virtual world
We are on the verge of changing the way relationships HAPPEN
But there will always be the need for people to come together live
For without direct human interaction, we lose our need to be authentic
And then where will we be???
Connect with me on Twitter here: @michellebeckham
Let me know your experience with creating relationships in the virtual world.
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
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