Sunday, August 16, 2009


Ok, had to add some real creative writing, lest my last blog post leave a negative taste in your mouth. Warning though, I'm pulling these from my past files. Enjoy!

Nighttime is our time in our haven of blue and early American that

Yields traces of secrets buried among the stain of tears

Tears of joy, tears of excitement, tears of such incredible emotion

That the pure feelings take on a life of their own

Something you can reach out and grab and hold onto for dear life

Life is something you now possess

Rescued from the brink of the abyss

From the edge of madness; from the depths of an aching soul

Our fingers reached out and touched and a spark ignited the world

The world will never be the same

For the pure possibility that together we walk through it

Making a difference everywhere we go on this path

Called Life.

Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009

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