There is something to be said about experience; about having gone around the block a couple of times. I think I have hit that age where wisdom and youth have merged and I am staring at the other side of the mentor-mentee divide. It's time to reach out, pull up and give back. I have spent so many years learning from those wonderful women who walked before me and I now see that the shadow is behind me because I'm casting the image that touches those around me.
As I mentioned to new girlfriend Erin Schreyer today, I am in a truly blessed place. A place where I can call the shots and excel at being ME using the strengths and talents I have been given to make a difference in the life of a company, a business owner, a person in transition. People I meet say that I radiate energy and passion; they feel electrified in my company. I just believe in my mission and am truly excited about the work that I do and the relationships that I foster and I think this powerful energy shines through my pores!
Really, really psyched about an opportunity to bring both of the above points together: passion for giving back to other women while leveraging my strengths and unique value proposition. I have an awesome life and wouldn't change a single thing about the path that I have traveled. It's all part of the big picture called DESTINY......
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009