I co-facilitated a Non-profit program this morning for parents undergoing divorce with the objective of helping them to help their kids get through the challenges of family change. Tough to do considering that the folks in my class are court-ordered to spend time with me and that time involves a Saturday morning. Saturday, that bastion of escape from the realities of the work week: the stress, the pressure, the BOSS.
So at 9:00 a.m., Brent and I, coffee in hand face a room of not so happy people. The good news is that after spending the morning with us, the majority leave feeling that it was time very well spent. We have had many people tell us that we really caused them to think differently about what their kids were going through and their own role in harmful games that parents can play (make child communicator with ex, make them choose sides, etc.).
Each group that we do is completely different and although the material we present is basically the same, we tend to flex to the specific needs of the folks assembled before us. I really enjoy presenting these classes and making a difference in others' lives. Sometimes the stories that are shared are heart-rending. Today was one of those days. Two incredibly sad stories that deal with loss. I won't go into details, other than to say that one participant has had so many catastrophic things happen to them in the past 4 months, that it is amazing that they are able to function. This person has lost everything- literally EVERYTHING- home, possessions (due to fire), job, death of mother, and a tough health diagnosis for their child in addition to divorce.
Despite all of this, this individual gave advice and consolation to the other group members and wore a continuous smile, letting us know that they would make it through the tough times. The individual talked about how having a support group of friends was key to surviving in these incredible circumstances.
I was leading a discussion on Losses incurred during the divorce process for both adults and children. Listening to the personal story in our small group, really made all of the other participants realize that some of the losses they had experienced paled in relation to the ultimate loss of EVERYTHING. Made me realize that even though I love what I do: Marketing and Social Media Strategy work, I need to make sure that I maintain balance in my life and continue to appreciate every God-given minute I have on this earth. Because the reality is, that you can lose it all in the flash of a second. Take some time to enjoy where you are planted; to give nourishment to the special people in your life and to live joyfully, keeping your inner pitcher filled to the brim with things that keep you refreshed and energized.
Image credit: http://lawrenceyong.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/image-header.jpg
Copyright Michelle Beckham-Corbin 2009
Really appreciate this post. I always need the nudge to remember the important things in life. Your post really reminds me that I need to give more and in more important ways. Great post.
Thanks for the comments Marty. Always glad when a reader takes the time to share their thoughts with me!
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